Jim Nortz

Founder & President at Axiom Compliance & Ethics Solutions, LLC

My Articles

Global Business Ethics Survey Results

By generating these metrics, the ECI focuses its attention on what matters most — the key social dynamics in organizations that drive behavior. These are far more important than policies, procedures, or internal controls. There are written rules and then there are the real, cultural rules embedded in the organization that everyone follows.

Merging Two Compliance Universes

For over 25 years, the in-house community has modeled corporate compliance programs on Federal Sentencing Guildines (FSG) — which outline seven elements for effective ethics and compliance. There have been, and will continue to be, many advantages to operating under these guidelines.

Less Is More

The problem with this understandable response to a compliance crisis is that corporations with overblown compliance programs may end up becoming less able to manage their legal and ethical risks.

The Canons of Business Ethics

Your fate and your company’s fate depend on whether you and your colleagues have adopted and mastered a practical approach to navigate a complex moral minefield where one misstep can end a brilliant career. Moreover, firms that successfully integrate moral considerations into their decision-making processes lower their enterprise risks and optimize business performance over the long term.