Mohamed Elmogy

General Counsel at Siemens Energy, UAE

ACC MENA President, multi-awards winner, international general counsel, and bilingual business leader currently the general counsel of Siemens Energy, UAE with an outstanding track record of 27 years of hands-on legal experience across the Middle East & Africa (MEA) Region with F500 Corporations and major commercial groups including Siemens Energy, Siemens, PepsiCo Inc., Sandoz and Vodafone.

Elmogy has made a huge impact on the in-house legal community of the Middle East by founding the platforms for in-house legal counsel in both UAE and Egypt. He is fluent in Arabic (native) and English also with a good knowledge of French and Italian and has successfully obtained his Ph.D. in International Commercial Arbitration at the American Arab Academy in partnership with Texas University and his master’s degree in law MSC in International Legal & Commercial Transactions and Logistics at the Arab Maritime Academy for Science and Technology. Elmogy is proud to have come from a family that is well-rooted in the legal field in the region with great legacy in the law society.

Passionate about developing others, sailing, law, public speaking, and meeting new people. Strong believer that change is the only constant and that no one owns the absolute truth.


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