Angela Han

Corporate Counsel at HealthPRO Heritage, LLC

Her primary responsibilities are to manage commercial transactions, litigation, and labor and employment disputes. She is also a certified personal trainer and health coach. She works primarily with lawyers to help them take on the daunting challenge of being healthy by sharing the exact steps to take on challenges on their own terms. For more health tips geared towards lawyers, visit Angela's website at and connect with her on LinkedIn.

My Articles

How In-house Counsel Can Prevent Burnout

Instead, when we feel overworked and exhausted, our first instinct is to drop everything, go to happy hour, and try to forget about it. Some take the quieter approach, heading home and distracting themselves from all the noise until the next day. These strategies are temporary solutions. Following the advice below can keep you on track longer than a night out or a night in.

Managing Work and Life while Pregnant

I am an in-house counsel at a healthcare company, and I am also a health coach. During the first trimester of my pregnancy, I had very little control over how my mind and body felt because of the morning sickness that commonly plagues expecting mothers. I felt that I lost my place as a lawyer and my authority as a health coach because I was less functional and not living the healthy lifestyle I coached my clients to live. Here are two lessons to share from the perspective of both an in-house lawyer and a health coach.