Eskor Edem

Director at Major, Lindsey & Africa

Eskor Edem is a director at Major, Lindsey & Africa, where he sits in the firm’s In-house Counsel Practice Group. He focuses on helping organizations recruit high-caliber legal and compliance professionals across several industries. Edem joined Major, Lindsey & Africa after a year of running his own boutique executive search firm based in New Jersey. There, he specialized in identifying and recruiting attorneys for law firms as well as privately held and publicly traded companies. He has made placements at all levels of seniority in Am Law 200, NLJ 500, and mid-sized law firms. In the corporate law department setting, he has successfully closed search engagements ranging from general counsel positions to legal counsel roles across various industries. Edem previously worked in the law department of a multibillion-dollar family office affiliated with a publicly traded real estate company.

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