A Look Back, A Look Ahead

Welcome to the last 2015 issue of the Docket. If you’re like me, you’re probably wondering where the year went, while also looking forward to the fresh start of a new one. Some of our colleagues may even be happy to see 2015 — a year that saw too many cyber attacks and data breaches — fade into the past. The challenges we faced this year will likely follow us into the next (along with a few more), but we’re in-house counsel: We live to find solutions.

ACC is here to help, starting with this risk assessment and management-focused issue of the Docket. Risk is an inherent part of doing business, and helping the companies we support assess and manage it is a primary function of our role as in-house counsel. This issue includes articles on data security as it relates to vendor agreements; new “binding” data protection regulations in the European Union — the General Data Protection Regulation; and a cover story on the risks associated with global mergers and acquisitions (M&A). This year saw record numbers in M&A — indeed, 40 percent of in-house counsel surveyed in our Global Census reported a recent merger or acquisition at their organization. These deals are being scrutinized like never before, and the ever-changing regulatory environment has brought the uncertainties and risks of M&A to the desks (and minds) of many CLOs. The authors offer advice on mitigating these risks, which include assessing and evaluating the regulatory landscape.

Just as we in-house counsel have to keep up with the evolving global business environment, ACC must provide the most up-to-date, relevant and hands-on tools possible to assist you in meeting the everyday challenges of in-house practice. In addition to the articles found here, ACC provides many valuable resources related to managing risks. To access this member benefit, simply visit www.acc.com, click on the “resource” tab at the top of the homepage, and search by resource type and practice area. For example, if you search today, you’ll find a recent Top Ten resource, “Mitigating Consumer Fraud Class Action Litigation Risk: Top Ten Methods.”

ACC is also constantly updating and adding to its vast arsenal of online resources, educational events and networking opportunities. In 2015, the association greatly expanded its research function, producing four regional reports including the ACC Chief Legal Officers 2015 Survey (available at acc.com/surveys); added a total of 1,176 non-US resources to the online Legal Resources library; launched the new Information Governance Committee in July, and grew its educational programing. Next year will see even more growth in this area, with the association presenting the new ACC Mid-Year Meeting, to be held April 10–12, 2016, in New York City. For more information on this one-and-a-half-day conference offering advanced level education for senior in-house counsel, visit acc.com/education/mym. Just imagine what else 2016 will bring!

The conclusion of one year and the beginning of the next offers the chance to take a look back at lessons learned, while also looking ahead to new challenges, solutions and opportunities for reassessment and growth. As you continue to serve your corporate clients — acting as trusted advisor, gatekeeper and partner to the business and more — you can rest assured that ACC will continue to serve your needs as in-house counsel.

Think of ACC as your secret weapon, arming you with everything you need to face any and every legal challenge that comes your way in 2016 and beyond.