Get on Course with ACC

“But every day, around the world, ACC delivers training and development tools designed for in-house counsel.”

If there is one thing in-house lawyers hate more than a boring CLE course, it’s a boring corporate training course.

Anyone who works in a mid-size to large organization knows what I am talking about: the broad, bland, and basic courses meant to serve the development needs of an entire company.

If you work in a company focused on sales and marketing, most of these corporate courses are designed for newly minted MBAs. Work in a technology company and the presentations are flavored to suit programmers or engineers.

And if you happen to be in banking or insurance, there is a special place in heaven reserved just for you. After slogging through the corporate training required in financial services, you have already paid your dues in purgatory. Think of it as a deposit for future penance.

For in-house lawyers, most of the vanilla corporate training programs are only mildly beneficial. We don’t have good use for “Time Management Between Sales Calls” or “Securing New Clients with LinkedIn.” We only partially benefit from the leadership, public speaking, and communication courses.

What we really need is a training course titled: “It’s déjà vu all over again: What to do when a client asks the same question 50 times.”

Luckily, for those of us plodding through a world of corporate courses, there are alternatives. A good place to start is this month’s issue of ACC Docket, focused specifically on legal department management. But every day, around the world, ACC delivers training and development tools designed for in-house counsel.

To get started, set your browser to and begin clicking through the pages. The resource packs and presentations, including video and audio recordings, will satisfy the appetite of any in-house lawyer.

And if you really want to energize your in-house skills, consider any one of dozens of chapter, national, or international meetings. Your local chapter hosts timely, focused events. Just add your name to the distribution lists to receive the latest updates. There is also the highly rated ACC Europe annual conference (21 – 23 May 2018 in Paris) and the acclaimed ACC Australia annual meeting (14 – 16 November 2018 in Brisbane, Australia).

Or you can always jump straight to ACC’s international Mid-year (22 – 24 April 2018 in Denver, Colorado) or Annual Meeting (21 – 24 October 2018 in Austin, Texas), to really turbo-charge your exposure to the world of in-house counsel.

So if you feel trapped in a world of generic corporate training, do not despair. There is a world of lawyers, just like you, ready to help.

Whether you are part of a 1,000-member department or a department of one, ACC has a program or package to help you find the focused, useful training you need.