Member Spotlight: Steven Mashal, Corporate Counsel, American Council on Exercise

Steven Mashal





What influenced you to join the Association of Corporate Counsel?

I joined the Association of Corporate Counsel when I worked for a previous employer. The whole legal department enrolled under the Corporate Membership category.

What has been the most rewarding aspect of your career thus far?

I have spent almost my entire career in-house, and the most rewarding aspect has been the opportunity to educate my co-workers and make them better “customers” of legal services. I really appreciate when the business person in charge of a deal comes to me and says, “I know you would not allow us to agree to unlimited liability and I made sure it was removed from the contract before I showed it to you.”

What ACC resources have been the most beneficial to you?

The best ACC resource is networking. Through participating in various committees and attending ACC programs I now have colleagues I can call on throughout the world to seek advice and counsel. I also use the extensive online library to research issues, and I obtain all of my MCLE through attending ACC events.

What is the most interesting aspect of working for the American Council on Exercise?

The American Council on Exercise (ACE) is the largest non-profit fitness certification and education organization dedicated to getting people moving. As the only in-house legal
counsel, I get to see most of the business development for the organization and also get to work with every other employee. I think staying on top of emerging legal issues and trying to anticipate and reduce risks have been the most interesting aspects of working for ACE.

What are the biggest challenges in-house attorneys will face in the coming years?

I don’t think the challenges have changed that much over the past few years. I think these challenges remain — producing good quality legal work with limited resources and convincing management of the value of having an in-house legal team. An additional, major challenge is incorporating technology to help alleviate problems without causing new ones (or being so complex that no one uses it).

You were nominated for committee member of the year last year. Tell us about your contributions and accomplishments in service to the Law Department Management Committee.

Being on the executive team for the Law Department Management Committee has been really rewarding. I have held positions as communications co-chair, program co-chair, vice chair, and chair this year. I have planned and developed legal quick hits, organized our Annual Meeting programs, and as vice chair and vhair, supported everyone else. I think my strongest contribution has been in really pushing committees to work together and share more. I have been active on most council of committee calls, and lead sessions at the Leadership Development Institute held before the Annual Meeting