Member Milestones

Don Conant

Don Conant




What has been the most rewarding aspect of your career thus far?

The 20+ years I’ve spent at Intel. I’m immensely proud of my company and its technological achievements, but I also believe our legal department continues to set the highest standards in terms of quality of legal work, innovation, speed and effective teaming with our business clients. Each day brings new situations to figure out, and each of us must daily apply our existing knowledge and experience to legal situations that no one has had to face before and fashion pragmatic solutions. It’s never dull, our work matters to Intel, and I believe our department is among the best anywhere.

What are some of the benefits of working for an international corporation?

Well, first, it’s fun to work for a company that has had such a positive effect on the lives of so many. A significant percentage of our online lives passes through machines powered by Intel. We have hundreds of lawyers in legal offices in over a dozen countries. We work closely with our worldwide compliance and government affairs teams to stay on top of legal developments around the globe. Personally, I support several Intel business units with activities around the world, and I am frequently in touch with my colleagues (at all hours!) in our overseas offices to resolve issues and implement solutions. Many of these colleagues have become friends, and it’s always a pleasure to spend time with them when the opportunities arise and at our worldwide legal department gatherings.

What ACC resources have been the most beneficial of the past 25 years?

It’s hard to pick, so let’s just say it’s a tossup between the Annual Meeting, ACC’s incredible online resources and the amazing array of programs that our local San Francisco Bay Chapter puts on each month. My first Annual Meeting was in 1997 in San Francisco. Since then I’ve attended many, and they just keep getting better. I learn a lot at the sessions, and enjoy connecting with old friends and meeting new ones at the networking events. Speaking personally, I met my wife — also a member — at an ACC event at AT&T Park in San Francisco so I am especially grateful to be an ACC member (and a Giants fan).

What is the most interesting aspect of working for Intel?

Having an insider’s view of the stunning leaps in technology that have occurred in the past few decades. As a lawyer, the most interesting thing is to have the opportunity to apply my existing legal knowledge and experience to technologies and legal issues that are truly questions of first impression. I also appreciate the fact that Intel has allowed me to rotate through a variety of different positions and clients, so that I have the skills and experience to successfully tackle a wide range of issues.

What are the biggest challenges in-house attorneys will face in the coming years?

The same kind we each face every day: how to deliver high quality legal advice and services at lightning speed, mastering new businesses and legal areas, pragmatically assessing and balancing risks — and most of all, being an effective listener and communicator with my clients. Coping with the fact that we all seem to be using technology to continually do more with the same (or fewer) resources than we had last year. And somehow managing to maintain a sustainable balance between a demanding job and an enjoyable life.