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Kriti Tannan
Senior Director, Legal
Jones Lang LaSalle
Bengaluru, India

5:00 am: My alarm goes off and I start my day with a bit of exercise, yoga, and self-care. I have been an absolute morning person since my high school days, and a good morning is essential to my start of the day. I do think my internal body clock has made my alarm clock redundant, but I still set it every day. 😊
6:00 am: It is time to get organized and plan for the day. I stick to my daily mantra: “Either you run the day, or the day runs you!”
I quickly scroll my phone to catch up on news highlights, phone messages, calendar obligations, and emails. And then it’s time for some house chores and helping my two boys (aged seven and three years) get ready for school.

8:00 am: After the school drop off, I finally get to my “big Indian breakfast” with my husband and try to grab my print of newspaper along the way (how I wish print would never die!).
9:00 am: On most days, I start my work at 9/9:15 am after a usual commute of 30-35 minutes listening to music or a podcast, or a quick call to my mom, depending on today’s mood.
10:00 am: After responding to quick emails and organizing my to-do list, I get into Team Huddle with my core team, followed by meetings. I try to plan my important meetings/negotiations at the beginning of the day, as it helps to have a productive day.
11:30 am: It is usually a quick cup of coffee in the office along with some networking and catching up with colleagues. Sometimes, it is an unplanned call or a business colleague or team member walking up for some advice or question.
12-12:30 pm: Contract negotiation meeting with a client.
1:30 pm: Lunch time with colleagues — I usually carry home for lunch unless it’s a Friday! Fridays are cheat days for almost everyone, equivalent to Indian Hyderabadi Chicken Biryani, or anything new on Swiggy. 😉

2:00 pm: Call with our regional compliance counsel and business head of commercial risk/governance to plan a refresher on ethics and compliance. We discuss an update on new data privacy legislation in India and the roll-out of updated privacy program and training.
2:30 pm: Monthly meeting on sales/deals pipeline and transition workstream alignment.
3:00 pm: Call with finance and litigation counsel on an ongoing debt recovery matter.
3:30 pm: Call with an external consultant on memo to be obtained on a recent regulatory change.
4:30 pm: Weekly meeting with APAC general counsel on team/resourcing updates, significant deals, and high-risk matters.
5:00 pm: Review RFP MSA revisions with lead counsel and discuss potential escalation items.
6:00 pm: Unscheduled/follow up calls on the way back to home, and then onto relaxing and spending some time with kids, biking, or catching up with condominium friends for a quick walk.
7:30 pm: Dinner time with kids followed by reading, a quick gratitude prayer, and bedtime routine.

9:00 pm: Once kids go to bed, it is time to catch up on some follow-ups from work, phone calls, emails or reviews, or sometimes odd-hour clients calls/global townhall meetings to accommodate time zones. If not, unwind for the day with a quick episode on Netflix, or reading, and of course finishing some chores to prepare for the next day. By 11 pm, I am fast asleep😊.
Each day is different and that is what I enjoy the most about my work!
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