Association of Corporate Counsel

Staff at ACC

My Articles

Learn Your World: France

In-house counsel involved in transatlantic tech should tread carefully. These are murky waters. At the moment, there is no EU-wide tech tax, and the French government’s posture toward digital companies and tax is radically different from countries like Ireland. One unified European strategy for your company will not be enough and could make you vulnerable to fines and litigation. Diverse strategy, as well as an agile legal team, are key.

Learn Your World: Spain

In December 2018, Spain passed Organic Law 3/2018, covering the protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights. The law implements provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation and institutes the right of employees to disconnect from work during non-working hours. This digital rights law aims to protect workers’ downtime, family time, privacy, and improve work-life balance.